Golf Quest - ReadMe File

Author: Stone Aerni

Modified: 2024-12-13

0. What is the link to your project on

  (Just paste the link here.)

1. What are the controls to your game? How do we play?

  Use the arrow keys to change the aiming direction of the ball. Hold space to charge up the meter and release to hit the ball. Try to make it to the hole with as few shots as possible!

2. What creative additions did you make? How can we find them?

  I created the holes, ball, tee, scoreboard, and victory particle effects when the ball goes into the hole.

3. Any assets used that you didn't create yourself?

  Golf Hitting Sound Effects -
World Sprites -
Power Button -
Music -
Talking to Cows - Elvis Herod
Free Music Archive with license CC BY-NC-SA

4. Did you receive help from anyone outside this class or from anyone in this class that is not in a group with you?

  I did not receive help from anyone outside of the class.

5. Did you get help from any AI Code Assistants?

  I had Copilot help me with creating the direction arrow which affects the direction that the ball is hit. Check HitBall.cs and AimArrow.cs

6. Did you get help from any online websites, videos, or tutorials?

  Video on how to implement power button into canvas -
Video on how to make a sprite shape -

7. What trouble did you have with this project?

  I had a lot of trouble implementing the arrow to aim for the player. I ended up having Copilot help teach me how to implement one
I also had a lot of trouble building the world. It felt like it was going to take forever until I found a video on how to make a sprite shape.

8. Is there anything else we should know?

  I am very excited to be finished with this project. I think that it gave me a lot of confidence to make games in the future. While I don't think this is the best game ever made, I am still proud of what I have created.
Published 17 hours ago
Made withUnity

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